BI and Analytics
Use data and analytics to drive business intelligence
• Gain a better understanding of your business with BI and Analytics
Business intelligence (BI) services are offerings to design, develop and deploy enterprise processes and to integrate, support and manage the related technology applications and platforms. These include business and infrastructure applications for BI platforms, analytics needs and data warehousing infrastructure.
• Understand Business Requirements
Data is critical in unlocking hidden insights and discovering new opportunities to sustain and further any business growth. In today’s hyper-connected world, data (structured/unstructured / semi-structured) carrying critical information is soaring high in volume. Enterprises today, aspire to convert their structured and unstructured data into valuable insights in real-time. The rapid growth of information is leading to a unique challenge in extracting relevant information from volumes of diverse and unstructured data. Business Intelligence (BI) & Analytics addresses these challenges by leveraging the potential of Big Data. Continued innovations in this space have made this fast, secure and error-free while unravelling deeper and hidden insights, all on the fly.
• Ad Hoc Analytics & Data Visualization
Gravity Infosolutions provides a self-service ad hoc analytics platform as a service to help business decision-makers create reports on their own without having to depend on their IT teams. This saves them upfront investments. Our ‘Self Service Data Visual Discovery Platform’ enables business users to visualize data to get insights that help in decision making.
• Online Analytical Processing
It is often used in data mining. Express Analytics offers this software to help decision-makers analyze information simultaneously from multiple database systems. OLAP provides interactive information access to analysts and key decision-makers through multidimensional data models.
• Mobile Business Intelligence
Businesses these days are under pressure to take faster decisions, almost in real-time. This shift in the decision-making process is also fueled by the proliferation of internet-enabled mobile devices. But smartphones do not offer the luxury of the display as that of desktops. We help you navigate this hurdle by integrating mobile BI functions into the operational business processes within organizations.
• Corporate Performance Management
The translation of enterprise strategy into operational terms requires integration of enterprise performance management, balanced scorecards & business intelligence systems. The integration allows enterprises to simultaneously identify areas of high and sub-par performance, helping them to appropriately align resources and functions to eventually realize their corporate objectives.
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